Cobalt in PDB, part 2 (files: 41-80),
PDB 1e31-1hgw
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Cobalt (Co) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Cobalt atoms. PDB files: 41-80 (PDB 1e31-1hgw).
1e31 (Co: 1) - Survivin Dimer H. Sapiens
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
1eex (Co: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Diol Dehydratase- Adeninylpentylcobalamin Complex From Klebsiella Oxytoca
Other atoms:
K (4);
1eg6 (Co: 2) - Crystal Structure Analysis of D(Cg(5-Bru)Acg) Complexes to A Phenazine
Other atoms:
Br (4);
1egm (Co: 2) - Crystal Structure of Diol Dehydratase-Cyanocobalamin Complex at 100K.
Other atoms:
K (2);
1egn (Co: 2) - Cellobiohydrolase CEL7A (E223S, A224H, L225V, T226A, D262G) Mutant
1egv (Co: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Diol Dehydratase- Adeninylpentylcobalamin Complex From Klebsella Oxytoca Under the Illuminated Condition.
Other atoms:
K (4);
1ekh (Co: 6) - uc(Nmr) Structure of D(Ttggccaa)2 Bound to Chromomycin-A3 and Cobalt
1eki (Co: 1) - Average Solution Structure of D(Ttggccaa)2 Bound to Chromomycin-A3 and Cobalt
1ens (Co: 2) - Crystals of Demetallized Concanavalin A Soaked with Cobalt Having A Cobalt Ion Bound in the S1 Site
1epy (Co: 1) - T4 Lysozyme Mutant, T21H/C54T/C97A/Q141H/T142H
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
1et4 (Co: 5) - Crystal Structure of A Vitamin B12 Binding Rna Aptamer with Ligand at 2.3 A
1f69 (Co: 1) - Crystal Structure of the B-Dna Hexamer Ggcgcc with Cobalt Hexamine
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
1f78 (Co: 1) - Solution Structure of Rnase P Rna (M1 Rna) P4 Stem Oligoribonucleotide Complexed with Cobalt (III) Hexamine, uc(Nmr), Minimized Average Structure
1f79 (Co: 1) - Solution Structure of Rnase P Rna (M1 Rna) P4 Stem C70U Mutant Oligoribonucleotide Complexed with Cobalt(III) Hexammine, uc(Nmr), Minimized Average Structure
1f7h (Co: 11) - Solution Structure of the Rnase P Rna (M1 Rna) P4 Stem Oligoribonucleotide Complexed with Cobalt (III) Hexamine, uc(Nmr), Ensemble of 11 Structures
1f7i (Co: 12) - Solution Structure of the Rnase P Rna (M1 Rna) P4 Stem C70U Mutant Oligoribonucleotide Complexed with Cobalt (III) Hexamine ,uc(Nmr), Ensemble of 12 Structures
1fa6 (Co: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Co(II)-Bound Glyoxalase I of Escherichia Coli
1fd5 (Co: 2) - Binding of A Macrocyclic Bisacridine and Ametantrone to Cgtacg Involves Similar Unusual Intercalation Platforms (Bisacridine Complex)
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
1fdg (Co: 2) - Binding of A Macrocyclic Bisacridine and Ametantrone to Cgtacg Involves Similar Unusual Intercalation Platforms (Ametantrone Complex)
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
1fe2 (Co: 1) - Crystal Structure of Dihomo-Gamma-Linoleic Acid Bound in the Cyclooxygenase Channel of Prostaglandin Endoperoxide H Synthase-1.
1fn1 (Co: 2) - Crystal Structure of 9-Amino-(N-(2-Dimethylamino)Butyl) Acridine-4-Carboxamide Bound to D(Cg(5BR)Uacg)2
Other atoms:
Br (2);
1fn2 (Co: 2) - 9-Amino-(N-(2-Dimethylamino)Butyl)Acridine-4-Carboxamide Bound to D(Cgtacg)2
Other atoms:
Na (1);
1fof (Co: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Class D Beta-Lactamase Oxa-10
1fqr (Co: 1) - X-Ray Crystal Structure of Cobalt-Bound F93I/F95M/W97V Carbonic Anhydrase (Caii) Variant
1fsq (Co: 2) - X-Ray Crystal Structure of Cobalt-Bound F93S/F95L/W97M Carbonic Anhydrase (Caii) Variant
1fx7 (Co: 13) - Crystal Structure of the Iron-Dependent Regulator (Ider) From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
1g16 (Co: 8) - Crystal Structure of SEC4-Gdp
1g5l (Co: 10) - Co(III)-Bleomycin-Ooh Bound to An Oligonucleotide Containing A Phosphoglycolate Lesion
1g64 (Co: 1) - The Three-Dimensional Structure of Atp:Corrinoid Adenosyltransferase From Salmonella Typhimurium. Cobalamin/Atp Ternary Complex
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
1gid (Co: 4) - Crystal Structure of A Group I Ribozyme Domain: Principles of Rna Packing
Other atoms:
Mg (24);
1gj2 (Co: 1) - Co(III)-Bleomycin-Ooh Bound to An Oligonucleotide Containing A Phosphoglycolate Lesion
1gqi (Co: 8) - Structure of Pseudomonas Cellulosa Alpha-D-Glucuronidase
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
1gqj (Co: 8) - Structure of Pseudomonas Cellulosa Alpha-D-Glucuronidase Complexed with Xylobiose
1gqk (Co: 8) - Structure of Pseudomonas Cellulosa Alpha-D-Glucuronidase Complexed with Glucuronic Acid
1gql (Co: 8) - Structure of Pseudomonas Cellulosa Alpha-D-Glucuronidase Complexed with Glucuronic Acid and Xylotriose
1gwm (Co: 1) - Carbohydrate Binding Module FAMILY29 Complexed with Glucohexaose
1h0n (Co: 2) - Cobalt Substitution of Mouse R2 Ribonucleotide Reductase to Model the Reactive Diferrous State
1h0o (Co: 1) - Cobalt Substitution of Mouse R2 Ribonucleotide Reductase to Model the Reactive Diferrous State
1h41 (Co: 10) - Pseudomonas Cellulosa E292A Alpha-D-Glucuronidase Mutant Complexed with Aldotriuronic Acid
1hgw (Co: 1) - CEL6A D175A Mutant
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 16:51:50 2025